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Stocks News

Stock, or a capital stock, is the number of all shares issued by a corporation. Cryptocurrency startups and innovative blockchain technology projects are becoming more and more popular among potential investors, as they are very prospective from both the technical and financial sides. Currently, a lot of Bitcoin-related companies offer stocks in order to raise money for future development. Besides cryptocurrency stocks, some companies from various fields active in blockchain technology implementation divide their capital into shares in order to have the possibility of gaining more money. For these investments, there are many websites with blockchain technology stock lists for future investors or there are also blockchain penny stocks for small companies that offer relatively low prices for shares.

Analysts have discovered a significant similarity between Bitcoin price trend and chip stocks.
There is Similarity Between Bitcoin Price Trend and Chip Stocks Performance: Analysts
Joseph Young
The Chinese yuan is presumed to weaken even more in the upcoming months, which will ultimately push the price of bitcoin further.
China Bond Bubble Bursts, Yuan Weakens, Bitcoin Surge Imminent
Joseph Young
Why stock markets love the blockchain and how Bundesbank and Deutsche Börse are readying to unveil a market prototype.
Why Stock Markets Love Blockchain
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Malta’s MSE has created a blockchain committee to begin Blockchain research in Malta’s financial sector.
Malta Stock Exchange Plans First Blockchain Application, Establishes Own Consortium
Angus Leung
Japan’s Daiwa and YSE are officially working on a blockchain-based stock exchange for Myanmar to trade securities within 2 years.
Myanmar Could Become Home to Blockchain Stock Exchange, Daiwa and YSX Test Platform
Angus Leung
Funderbeam is building a blockchain stock exchange for people to invest in privately traded startups.
Funderbeam to Build Blockchain-based Stock Exchange for Startups, Raises $ 2.6Mln
Angus Leung
BitcoinETI becomes the first European regulated product for the leading digital currency after it was approved for admission to listing on the Gibraltar Stock E...
Gibraltar Stock Exchange Lists First Bitcoin Investment Product
Olusegun Ogundeji
Jason Calacanis has invested in a Bitcoin startup Keza, which allows users to invest in a portfolio of US stocks, bonds, and fixed incomes using Bitcoin.
Uber Angel Investor Jason Calacanis Invests in Bitcoin Startup Keza
Joseph Young

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