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Stocks News

Stock, or a capital stock, is the number of all shares issued by a corporation. Cryptocurrency startups and innovative blockchain technology projects are becoming more and more popular among potential investors, as they are very prospective from both the technical and financial sides. Currently, a lot of Bitcoin-related companies offer stocks in order to raise money for future development. Besides cryptocurrency stocks, some companies from various fields active in blockchain technology implementation divide their capital into shares in order to have the possibility of gaining more money. For these investments, there are many websites with blockchain technology stock lists for future investors or there are also blockchain penny stocks for small companies that offer relatively low prices for shares.

Nasdaq vice chairman says that ICOs are still very immature as a funding method and that the stock exchange is still the best place for companies to raise money...
ICOs Immature, Regular Stock Exchanges Best Method to Raise Money: Nasdaq Vice Chairman
Lisa Froelings
Year-to-date, Bitcoin’s performance range makes a mockery of a whole load of established assets.
Bitcoin's Performance Off the Charts, Literally
Darryn Pollock
The Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd. shuttered its physical office space, intending to turn some of the area into a museum for future generations to see how...
Sign of Times: Hong Kong Stock Exchange Trading Floor Closed to Be Turned Into Museum
Jon Buck
CNBC analyst predicts cryptocurrency trading volume will exceed that of Apple.
Cryptocurrency Trading Volume To Surpass Apple Soon: CNBC
Jon Buck
Delaware, where more than half the US’ publicly traded companies are based, has legalized the use of Blockchain to track stock ownership, replacing antiquated 1...
Delaware Approves Tracking of Stock Ownership on Blockchain, Major Effects
David Dinkins
What people need to fear are the bubbles in equity markets and real estate, not cryptocurrencies.
Bubble? Think Stocks and Real Estate, Not Bitcoin
Jacob J
Wall Street strategist Tom Lee sees Bitcoin value at $55,000 based on its limited supply and market stabilization.
Wall Street Strategist Sees Bitcoin at $55,000 by 2022: CNBC
Jon Buck
Seasoned stock picker Ronnie Moas thinks that Bitcoin price will increase by twofold up to $ 5,000 in 2018, and will eventually hit a staggering $25,000-50,000 ...
Stock Analyst Predicts Bitcoin Price to Reach $50,000 in 10 Years: Bloomberg
Anthony Coggine

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