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Startups News

The classical definition of a startup is the creation of a new business model with the purpose of further development and money raising. In this way, as the blockchain industry has become one of the most popular, innovative areas, any brand-new cryptocurrency-related projects can give great opportunities for investments and subsequent profits. New products and services regularly attract investments by holding crowdfunding campaigns. The market of cryptocurrency startups changes so fast that it’s hard follow. However, there is big space for getting rich just by having an idea that stands out among competitive ones. So generating such an idea and presenting it to the public is what developers do before launching the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which they use for the the development of the concept.
There are also many fraudulent projects and that is why investors should investigate any startup they are going to spend money on.

The seemingly unstoppable Slush technology 2 days conference starts today in Helsinki, Finland.
Non-Profit Tech Expo Slush to Hit Helsinki Today
William Suberg
Canadian blockchain technology startup Blockchain Tech Ltd (BTL) has been successfully listed on the VentureBoard of the Toronto Stock Exchange, with the track...
First Blockchain Company Goes Public on Toronto Stock Exchange
Joseph Young
Santander InnoVentures announced an open DL Challenge for fintech startups using Blockchain technology. The grand prize will be US$15,000 along with the promise...
Santander Launches Blockchain Startup Competition
Nina Lyon
2015 has been a banner year when it comes to Bitcoin venture capital investment.
Bitcoin Investment Slows in Q3; Startups Feel the Pinch
Evander Smart
National Australia Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia will be taking part in a joint project led by global financial innovation firm R3
Australian Banks Ride the Blockchain After Pushing Out Bitcoin Companies
Joseph Young
Singapore based Search Engine startup SearchTrade recently raised 200 BTC in a rapid 7-day presale of their keywords.
‘Sex’ & ‘News’ Lead Keyword Pre-Sale for Bitcoin-Powered Search Engine
Raunaq Vaisoha
A San Francisco-based technology company Chronicled Inc. has raised US$1.4 million in a funding round participated by Pantera Capital, Mandra Capital, Seattle S...
Seattle Seahawks’ Marshawn Lynch among Investors in Blockchain Startup Chronicled
Joseph Young
Investors’ Angel is a new online resource offering exclusive insight into the world’s hottest startups unavailable anywhere else.
Investors’ Angel: A New Way to Start-Dom
Allen Scott

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