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Satoshi Nakamoto News

A pseudonymous person or group operating under the name Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin (BTC). Nakamoto released Bitcoin’s white paper in 2008 and launched its network in 2009

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? A number of theories exist, including that the Bitcoin creator is Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, Craig Wright or Vili Lehdonvirta. Finney corresponded with Nakamoto in Bitcoin’s early days via email, but the pseudonymous figure’s identity remains unknown. Nakamoto vanished around 2011. Satoshi Nakamoto’s net worth is possibly quite large. The pseudonymous entity holds 1 million BTC, based on theories

It’s unlikely that the credit for the invention of Bitcoin goes to a single person. Is Craig Wright the inventor of Blockchain?
Craig Wright May Be Satoshi Nakamoto, But Is He The Inventor Of Bitcoin?
Marco E. G. Maltese
The global investigation to discover the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto seems to have come to an end by pointing out an australian IT security business man.
Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Appears... From Australia
Marco E. G. Maltese
Yesterday afternoon EST, a small Spanish Bitcoin association posted a mysterious press release on several Facebook Bitcoin groups, stating that the elusive Sato...
How NOT to Get PR (Op-Ed)
Omar Bessa
Bitcoin has had many impressive achievements within its fist six and a half years, but with the help of to find some key dates of events, h...
Top 10 Greatest Moments in Bitcoin History
Evander Smart
The demands of the Bitcoin core developer faction for a hard fork to Bitcoin XT have resurfaced.
Satoshi Nakamoto Speaks? Bitcoin XT Fork Debate Allegedly Draws Ire of Bitcoin Creator
Evander Smart
Berlin-based production company Bitfilm released a teaser and launched a three-tiered funding campaign on May 14 for the first feature-length, Bitcoin-inspired ...
Film 'Satoshi's Last Will' to Feature a Future World 'as Murray Rothbard Would Imagine It'
Aaron van Wirdum
The Internet is one of the most underestimated inventions. At the very moment when it seems it has come to a point beyond which it can offer something new, the ...
History of Cryptocurrency, Part I: From Bitcoin’s Inception to the Crypto-Boom
Guest Author
The Swarm funded Bitcoin-themed comic book 'The Hunt For Satoshi' is now available on Comixology
Bitcoin Comic 'The Hunt For Satoshi' Hits Comixology, Gets In Front Of Mainstream Audience
Ian DeMartino

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