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Satoshi Nakamoto News

A pseudonymous person or group operating under the name Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin (BTC). Nakamoto released Bitcoin’s white paper in 2008 and launched its network in 2009

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? A number of theories exist, including that the Bitcoin creator is Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, Craig Wright or Vili Lehdonvirta. Finney corresponded with Nakamoto in Bitcoin’s early days via email, but the pseudonymous figure’s identity remains unknown. Nakamoto vanished around 2011. Satoshi Nakamoto’s net worth is possibly quite large. The pseudonymous entity holds 1 million BTC, based on theories

The Latest Satoshi has turned out to be another damp squib. The search continues?
Much Ado About Nothing, Craig Wright is a Right Damp Squib
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Earlier this week Cointelegraph has published an article in which we have alleged that Craig Wright, an entrepreneur from Australia is actually Satoshi Nakamoto...
Why Craig Wright Is Not Satoshi Nakamoto
Andrew Marshall
Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious and legendary founder of Bitcoin, was revealed today to be Australian entrepreneur Dr. Craig Wright, bringing seven years of sp...
Craig Wright Came Out As Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s Founder
Joël Valenzuela
How does it feel to be Satoshi Nakamoto? Is he a man who can never access the low hanging fruits of his labour?
Being Satoshi Nakamoto
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Can Craig Steven Wright really claim he is, in any way, the genius who invented Bitcoin?
Craig Wright is Not Satoshi Nakamoto, The Myth Lives On
Andrew Quentson
Dynamic fees, announced by, ensure faster Bitcoin transactions.
As Satoshi Nakamoto Predicted, Dynamic Fees For Transactions Take Root
Iyke Aru
Martin Shkreli, dubbed by media as the “most hated man in the United States”, claims he lost $15 million set aside to buy Kanye West’s latest album, in a Bitcoi...
Karma Strikes Martin Shkreli As He Loses $15 mln To a Fraud
Neer Varshney
Cointelegraph received an email allegedly from Satoshi Nakamoto, in response to Bhagwan Chowdhry about the Nobel Prize. Vitalik Buterin interview included.
Satoshi Nakamoto Writes To Cointelegraph About The Nobel Prize
Marco E. G. Maltese

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