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Jeffrey Tucker News

Jeffrey Albert Tucker is an American internet entrepreneur, economics writer, conference speaker and Bitcoin advocate. He is the chief logistics officer at, a social network and publishing platform. According to Jeffrey Tucker’s Facebook and Linkedin pages, his main goal is to find possible ways to increase the value of human liberty, made possible with technology. Since Jeffrey Tucker is passionate about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, he spread awareness about them through the development of new platforms, educational programs, publications, community engagement and so on. Jeffrey Tucker writes books not only on the economy, but on cryptocurrency and other products of the information economy as well. Also, Jeffrey Tucker is a Net Neutrality advocate, which means he supports healthy competition among internet platforms.
Economist Jeffrey Tucker sparked a debate with prominent crypto leaders when he argued the BTC price is depressed because it hasn’t scaled.
Economist Jeffrey Tucker: ‘Can You Imagine BTC Price if it Had Scaled?’
Turner Wright
Overstock CEO Patrick Bryne, BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem, Jeffrey Tucker from American Institute for Economic Research discussed the future of Blockchain.
Around 4,000 Participants Attended North American Bitcoin Conference
Patrick Thompson
BitFury announced that it has invested in BitPesa, a universal payment and trading platform for the African continent, through its investment wing, BitFury Capi...
Mining Giant BitFury Invests in BitPesa, the Pan-African Bitcoin Payment and Trading Platform
Neer Varshney
China plans to launch its own digital currency. What do the world experts say?
Survey Of Experts: China’s Digital Currency vs. Decentralized Bitcoin
Neer Varshney
Bitcoin price has shown an optimistic trend in the beginning of the last week. Bearish trend gave way under the pressure of buyers, and on Monday 30 BTC/USD pai...
Weekly Bitcoin Price Analysis: Standoff Between Bulls and Bears Will Continue
Albert Libenzon
The Bitcoin South conference in beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand was a smashing success, but don’t just take our word for it. All you need to do is keep an eye...
Andreas Antonopoulos and Jeffrey Tucker Speak at Bitcoin South
Deleted Author
Jeffrey Tucker is an economist who’s also savvy with blockchains (a rare combination). He is responsible for introducing Bitcoin to many of his readers via his ...
Economist Jeffrey Tucker on the ‘Threat of Deflation’ in Eurozone
Amanda B. Johnson
Bitcoin enthusiasts in New Zealand are in the process of putting together the country’s first official cryptocurrency conference, to be held in the southern res...
New Zealand's First Cryptocurrency Conference Bitcoin South to be held November 29-30
Sabina Laska

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