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Decent News

Decent is a cryptocurrency that works as a decentralized platform with an open-source code for content sharing. Decent is a blockchain-based network that allows anyone to sell, buy and share content without mediators. Besides this, the Decent platform provides security, self-management of content abilities, individual price-setting and transparency of intellectual property. The Decent company was founded by Slovenian entrepreneurs Matej Michalko and Matej Boda in 2015, while the Decent coin was launched in 2017. All data published in its blockchain is secured with strong cryptography. The Decent ICO was conducted in 2016 and the total value of tokens sold during its ICO was over 30K USD. Currently, the main offices of Decent can be found in Slovakia, New York and Shanghai.
DECENT promises to “smash” down the global censorship regime by using blockchain technology, anonymity and P2P sharing to return freedom of speech to society.
DECENT: Smashing down the censorship ecosystem
Nina Lyon
Decentralized media publishing platforms are quickly gaining momentum as the world adapts and reacts to the new possibilities brought by modern technology and t...
A Glimpse into the Future of Decentralized Media
Barry Dolphin
DECENT is a decentralized web 3.0 platform served via the P2P network that allows borderless publishing of any text, picture, video or music content without res...

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