DECENT promises to “smash” down the global censorship regime by using blockchain technology, anonymity and P2P sharing to return freedom of speech to society.

DECENT’s developers have created their own blockchain to implement many types of transactions which ensure the security of content. The platform also allows everyone to build applications on top of its open source protocol.

“We chose to create our own blockchain because we needed to implement many types of transactions to ensure security of the content. Its open source so people can connect their app to the protocol to use it,” explained Martin Polacek, Business Developer at DECENT. “It works similar to Ethereum. It is a backbone layer.”

According to the whitepaper, the identity of each author using the platform is protected and anonymous, and the part of the content that is not “free to read” gets encrypted. Moreover, authors can receive micropayments for their content from other users.  

Martin Polacek said:

“Authors produce content and upload it to the network. The author uses the application to write and organize articles or add media files. When the author is happy with the result, he or she presses the “Publish” button. Later the author can specify the price for the content, select a part of the article that will be free to read and add metadata.”

The project aims to bring the ideas of democracy and the power over the media back to the people. Users, regardless of their nationality, state system, religion or culture, can share and receive genuine digital content worldwide. No third party can judge whether or not to publish a piece of content, and no middleman can hide opinions behind beautiful words and photoshop.

Martin Polacek commented:

“Our intention is to revolutionize data distribution on the Internet. Our motto is: The new way of publishing.”

As the world faces refugee crises and intercultural misunderstandings, DECENT wants to be the right tool for speaking the truth. DECENT’s mission is to encourage people to talk and share thoughts without fear.

“One of our principles is that people around the world will have the same opportunities to freely express themselves without any obstacles or restrictions,” said Polacek.