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DDoS News

DDoS, or distributed denial-of-service attack, is a cyber-attack which disables a network for intended users by flooding the target with many different sources in order to overload the system. There are a lot of DDoS software tools available on the internet, many of which are quite user-friendly. Still, DDoS attacks are extremely dangerous and may cause the loss of millions of dollars, depending on the duration of the attack. Of course, there are a lot of ways to protect against a DDoS attack, such as firewalls, blackhole routing, upstream filtering and others. Bitcoin has some built-in protections against DDoS attacks, but is still vulnerable and may be slowed down by them. Cryptocurrency exchanges and various web-sites of concrete currency may be attacked, made unavailable for users and even be robbed for some amount of tokens while being under a DDoS attack.
The largest Bitcoin exchanges are suffering from a combination of DDoS and Bitcoin transaction malleability issue that has proved itself effective against Mt.Go...
Bitcoin trades under complex DDoS attack
Alan Deer
Bitstamp had some trouble with its network and DDoS attacks last week, leading to users being unable to access the service for a while.
Bitstamp site goes down after network problem
Eric Barrier
We all know that the first generation of bitcoin exchangers was made in hastle and had a lot of problems. Frequent system hacks, DDoS attacks and other regular ...
Bitcoin exchanger CoinX is undertaking one state after another

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