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DDoS News

DDoS, or distributed denial-of-service attack, is a cyber-attack which disables a network for intended users by flooding the target with many different sources in order to overload the system. There are a lot of DDoS software tools available on the internet, many of which are quite user-friendly. Still, DDoS attacks are extremely dangerous and may cause the loss of millions of dollars, depending on the duration of the attack. Of course, there are a lot of ways to protect against a DDoS attack, such as firewalls, blackhole routing, upstream filtering and others. Bitcoin has some built-in protections against DDoS attacks, but is still vulnerable and may be slowed down by them. Cryptocurrency exchanges and various web-sites of concrete currency may be attacked, made unavailable for users and even be robbed for some amount of tokens while being under a DDoS attack.
ProtonMail, an open-sourced encrypted mail service founded by MIT and Stanford engineers at the CERN research facility, has suffered from a series of extremely ...
ProtonMail Pays Bitcoin Ransom to Stop DDoS Attack
Joseph Young
Kraken has tried to implement advanced DDoS protection, after a series of large DDoS attacks were launched by an unidentified group of hackers.
Kraken DDoS Attack Leaves Traders Unable to Sell at $500 Peak
Joseph Young
Five banks in Russia have undergone a DDoS-attack according to Artyom Sychev, Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Security and Information Protection ...
5 Russian Banks Cyber Attacked in Bitcoin Extortion Plot
Erin Lace
“DD4BC,” a cybercriminal group that has launched distributed denial of service (DDos) attacks on bitcoin mining companies, exchanges and Hong Kong Banks since m...
Cybercriminal Group Demands Bitcoin Ransoms from Financial Institutions
Joseph Young
Bitcoin XT, the intentional fork that has been shaking up the bitcoin price, includes code branded as a hardcoded “blacklist” by critics.
Bitcoin XT Fork Can 'Blacklist' Tor Exits, May Reveal Users’ IP Addresses
Juan S. Galt
Following the July 10 DDOS and CC attacks at OKCoin, the topic of socialized losses and the negative impact they have on trader’s accounts has come to light aga...
Huobi Talks About Lessons Learned from Socialized Losses
George Samman
Daniel Ternyak, CEO and founder of the “no nonsense” .bit domain name registrar GetDotBit, launched his project on April 23.
GetDotBit Has Registered Over 700 Decentralized .Bit Domain Names, and Counting
Cheryl Hulseapple
A few days ago Ryan Galt – blogger, entrepreneur and a freelance writer shared his own speculations on the origins of the cryptocurrency’s volatility and ways t...
Is there a solution for Bitcoin volatile nature?
Andrew Marshall

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