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Banks News

While one of the goals of cryptocurrencies is to render traditional banking obsolete, banks as a financial institution still play a critical role in the advent and adoption of the emerging crypto economy in two ways. 

Firstly, outside of a physical cash exchange for cryptocurrency, banks provide the fiat bridges to cryptocurrency markets. Without them, the influx of capital and interest in the blockchain industry would be nowhere near the magnitude it is today. 

Secondly, many of the world’s leading banks are researching and, in some cases, developing their own central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which aim to secure hegemony in the digital asset space largely in response to the growth of the crypto economy. 

As digital finance evolves before our eyes, banks as a commonplace financial organization may change drastically in their role and purpose in society — even if it leads to obsolescence.

Banks may start applying blockchain technology to scoring in 2016. That is the forecast of the 4th largest search engine worldwide company Yandex.
Blockchain-Based Credit Score Coming in 2016, forecasts Yandex, the 4th largest search engine worldwide
Lana Smiley
The Central Bank of Nigeria has banned the use of Naira denominated ATM cards abroad. Could this mean an explosion for the Bitcoin market in the country?
Central Bank Embargo Ushers In Sudden Bitcoin Awareness In Nigeria
Iyke Aru
Central Bank of Kenya has warned public against Bitcoin and other virtual currencies citing its non legal tender and no regulated status.
Kenyan Central Bank Warns that BTC is Unregulated. No Mention of Inflation
Martin Rojko
Central Bank of Nigeria prohibits the acceptance of foreign currency cash deposits by Deposit Money Banks.
Bitcoin Saves Africa: Nigeria’s Bank Prohibits Foreign Banknotes Deposits by DMBs
Iyke Aru
At the United Overseas Bank (UOB) 80th anniversary dinner, Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, commented that Bitcoin and blockchain technology are go...
Singapore Prime Minister Said National Banks Can Use Blockchain
Marco E. G. Maltese
Let’s take a look with four reasons why banks will fail in building viable internal blockchains.
4 Reasons Why Banks’ Private Blockchains Will Fail
Evander Smart
J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon declared Bitcoin dead at the Fortune Global Forum in San Fransisco yesterday.
J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon: ‘Bitcoin Is Going To Be Stopped!’
Evander Smart
Three more banks have announced joining the Distributed Ledger Group (DLG) and R3 Blockchain consortium that include Mizuho Bank, UniCredit and Nordea.
R3 Blockchain Consortium Adds 3 More Banks
Erin Lace

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