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Banks News

While one of the goals of cryptocurrencies is to render traditional banking obsolete, banks as a financial institution still play a critical role in the advent and adoption of the emerging crypto economy in two ways. 

Firstly, outside of a physical cash exchange for cryptocurrency, banks provide the fiat bridges to cryptocurrency markets. Without them, the influx of capital and interest in the blockchain industry would be nowhere near the magnitude it is today. 

Secondly, many of the world’s leading banks are researching and, in some cases, developing their own central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which aim to secure hegemony in the digital asset space largely in response to the growth of the crypto economy. 

As digital finance evolves before our eyes, banks as a commonplace financial organization may change drastically in their role and purpose in society — even if it leads to obsolescence.

Negative interest rates and the blocking of mass-moving of assets to cash may cause people to turn to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as the solution.
Negative Rates, Cash Blocks Help Adopt Cryptocurrencies
Charlie McCombie
The European Central Bank (ECB) says it is testing the blockchain technology to improve bank security payment systems and for other purposes.
European Central Bank Now Loves the Blockchain
Amelia Tomasicchio
There has been several policy changes and reversals within the Nigerian financial services sector over a short period of time. Could Bitcoin and the Blockchain ...
The Bitcoin Blockchain Signifies The Golden Rule
Iyke Aru
Norway’s largest bank DNB proposes to stop using cash as a means of payment in the country.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark Say “No” To Cash
Nina Lyon
The WEF was dedicated to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and FinTech. The World’s financial and banking giants again shared their attitude to Bitcoin and Block...
Davos Showdown: Bitcoin vs Blockchain
Nina Lyon
Inconsistent policies surrounding fiat in Nigeria has caused panic. It seems the perfect opportunity for Bitcoin startups in Africa.
The Perfect Storm Is Set For Bitcoin In Nigeria
Iyke Aru
Michaela Juric, aka Bitcoin Babe, an Australian based Bitcoin trader, has seen one of her bank accounts abruptly shut down after selling around $10000 of Bitcoi...
Banks Are Finally Openly Fighting Bitcoin In Australia And USA
Marco E. G. Maltese
More big consultancy groups noticed a major shift in technology trends starting in financial and spreading to other sectors as they do not want to be left behin...
Deloitte: Blockchain Will Disrupt Your Industry
Martin Rojko

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