Personal Details 

Blake Anderson, born 1986, currently living in St. Paul, Minnesota USA 
Computer science and economics, DIY, and self-directed education MIT OCW CTE since 2003 
Professional experience and achievement 
Blake Anderson has been an information technology project manager specializing in infrastructural and math-based security for some of the largest corporations on earth. Blake has completed well over 200 enterprise-scale information projects, and his work with security policies has secured millions of end users exchanging the most valuable data on Earth. 
In 2008, Blake lived in Austria for two months while researching 3D tangible assembly automation. Machines weighing tons and moving lethally sized raw production materials were automated through CNAC communication to enable an IVR to answer consumer calls and take orders all the way through a customizable assembly line to load a finished package for delivery never touched by human hands while at the facility. Blake now works with additive manufacturing automation and scripted arbitrage. 
Individualism, capitalism, economics, motivating myself and others. 
First experience with crypto-currencies 
Blake was working at the peak of his career for a Fortune 25 bank as an ITPM for encryption and cryptographic services when he heard about Bitcoin. His first reaction was that Bitcoin was bad and based on faulty programming and economic ideas. A friend sent him the white paper, and after reading it Blake summarily quit his job to seek full-time work on what he said at the time was transcending the fault tolerance limitations in computer science and would change the world. 
Role in the Bitcoin community 
Blake tries to split his explanations of Bitcoin into two categories based on subject and audience. He illustrates the macro implications of the protocol in ways that stimulate and engage the right brain, which is required to really have a facility for understanding what and why Bitcoin is. He also illustrates the micro facts and reasons that an empiricist can use to really get a nice left-brain understanding of how metrically effective this breakthrough in computer science truly is.