Cointelegraph official sales wallet: 17wcojTr3z4W7cubMZENbGhoTtQTnFZowD

Cointelegraph Media Group is the largest international cryptocurrency-related marketing and advertising agency in the world.

Our Ad opportunities provide you with wide-reaching penetration into the cryptocurrency-oriented community.

60,000 unique visitors per day 125,000 sessions per day 250,000 page views per day



Cointelegraph Media Group provides your business with a wide range of advertising opportunities across the sites:


The largest international online magazine in the world of cryptocurrencies


Traffic leader among cryptocurrency-related sites and a standard
for cryptocurrency market capitalisation information


World`s easiest bitcoin wallet as service


Dogecoin blockchain explorer


The fastest Dogecoin block reader


The Best cryptonote mining pool


A cryptocurrency-related news site


A cryptocurrency-related news site


A renowned French political and economic blog with regular bespoke pieces on
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency


A visualized history of the cryptocurrency world from the first bitcoin
whitepaper up to present days

Our clients are leading cryptocurrency-related businesses:






Each company can try our unique and effective advertising opportunities starting from 1 Bitcoin per month.



Navigation: Sites



























 offers a unique feature: our "Business" or "Coin" Catalogs. 

We provide your Company/Coin with its own page in the Business or Coin Catalog section, where you can write any information you choose about it, and update it.
To attract more visitors, we will be writing a weekly review of recently-added companies /coins.

There are two types of options for inclusion in Cointelegraph’s Business or Coin Catalog sections:





100 word press-release


Unlimited words press-release

Logo of your Company /Coin

A link to your website


An independent high quality research, created by one of our journalists


Interview with representatives of management /dev team


Expert's Commentaries


Unique picture in CT style


A weekly review of recently added Campaigns /Coins


Top placement above other Free placements


Links to social media and community websites






For further details contact our sales team: [email protected]

Cointelegraph official sales wallet: 17wcojTr3z4W7cubMZENbGhoTtQTnFZowD