Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 17 Oct 2021, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Willy Ogorzaly

Willy Ogorzaly is the senior product manager at ShapeShift, an international, noncustodial cryptocurrency leader. He is responsible for advancing product strategy, defining new features and solutions, and ensuring new products meet the needs of an evolving, innovative and dynamic crypto and DeFi landscape. Before joining ShapeShift, Willy co-founded Bitfract (acquired by ShapeShift in 2018), the first tool enabling trades from Bitcoin into multiple cryptocurrencies in a single transaction.

Author’s posts

Liquidity mining is a marked and significant improvement over the investment mechanisms of ICOs, but is it here to stay?
Liquidity mining is booming — Will it last, or will it bust?
Willy Ogorzaly

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