Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 17 Oct 2021, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Vyara Savova

Vyara Savova is a human rights and technology lawyer based in Europe. For the past few years, she has worked on privacy and regulatory issues, focusing on blockchain and crypto projects. In her free-ish time, she’s a devoted legal hacker and an appreciator of long walks with a coffee in hand.

Author’s posts

With government agencies getting more savvy at tracing blockchain transactions, laws like the EU’s GDPR may play a role.
Privacy laws might prove to be a blessing in disguise for crypto
Vyara Savova
In the EU, getting laws right on Libra could be the best way to speed up a digital euro from the European Central Bank.
Good Stablecoin Rules in the EU Pave the Way for CBDCs and a Digital Euro
Vyara Savova

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