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Samantha Yap

Samantha Yap is the founder and CEO of YAP Global — an international PR firm with a focus on helping meaningful fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency companies tell their story on the global stage. Samantha is a fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency media specialist with past experience working as an international freelance journalist in Jakarta, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. Prior to delving into fintech PR, she worked at Channel NewsAsia in Singapore as a broadcast journalist and current affairs producer.

Author’s posts

Ethereum celebrates its fifth anniversary but can’t seem to step out of Bitcoin’s shadow in the mainstream press.
Despite Its Success, Ethereum Doesn’t Get Media Attention It Deserves
Samantha Yap
The recent Twitter hack has placed the words “Bitcoin” and “scam” in one headline again, though Bitcoin has nothing to do with it.
Defending Bitcoin’s Integrity in the Great Twitter Hack
Samantha Yap

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