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Raoul Milhado

Raoul Milhado is an entrepreneur with deep roots within the crypto and blockchain industry since 2015. As the CEO of, he has been building businesses from the ground up for the last 10+ years and has been working hard on building a brand that lays the foundation of capitalizing on the evergrowing crypto industry by introducing new age investment possibilities that would let clients explore a life of luxury they never thought possible. He is actively working on expanding the new digital economy to help others live a life of independence, value and growth.

Author’s posts

We are at the start of some big changes in the financial world, and by combining DeFi and CeFi the transition to the future would be faster.
The battle between DeFi, CeFi and the old guard
Raoul Milhado
The global economic transformation now faces the main question: What to choose — centralization or decentralization?
What Role Will Crypto Play During ‘The Great Reset?’
Raoul Milhado

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