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James Stallings

James is first a Father, Husband, Housekeeper and Lay Buddhist. James has an extensive formal education that runs the gamut through Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and Computer Science though he has taken no letters or degrees. James has outlived several IT carreers; first as a custom programmer while in college in the 1980s, then automating small businesses, and later custom PC builds and repairs. First on the internet when there were only a dozen hosts, he later returned to operate a small ISP for a couple of years, and went on to be a UNIX systems administrator of some merit. After that, an 18 month tour as a travelling consultant for Veritas Software. Since that ended, James has been heavily involved both in his local Fine Arts community and as a volunteer with the OpenSimulator project. James is currently President and CEO of OSgrid, Inc., a 501(c) not for profit in the state of Texas. James is also a minority stakeholder in, and operating partner of, SimHost Pty. Ltd., out of Sydney Australia. James has worked in places as diverse as tiny dive bars on the coast of Texas to giants like Texas Instruments, Intel and Motorola. James first encountered Bitcoin in 2010 or thereabouts, while investigating digital currencies for potential use in conjunction with OpenSimulator software. If he'd just kept up with his original BTC…

Author’s posts

Each day, more and more people all over the world are adapting blockchain and bitcoin, often without understanding it fully. What is Bitcoin after all? Is it va...
Bitcoin Best Practices: How A Newbie Can Neither Lose Coins Nor Fall Victim To Digital Theft (Op-Ed)
James Stallings
The Crypti Foundation issues a press release concerning their latest offering. Is there value in their products? Is there an overabundance of hyperbole in the p...
First Crypti Dapp, Crypti Tokens, Allows Developers To Issue, Send And Receive Colored Coins
James Stallings

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