Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 17 Oct 2021, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Dan Gunsberg

Dan Gunsberg is CEO and co-founder of Hxro. Dan began trading crypto in 2015 and quickly recognized a gap in the market for a trading experience. He co-founded Hxro in 2018 with the aim of expanding the world of crypto trading with gaming products. Now, Hxro leads in the gamification of the crypto trading market. Before Hxro, Dan spent over 20 years in derivatives trading as a trader and executive.

Author’s posts

Without the global retail trader base, the Bitcoin market would not be what it is today: the investment champion of 2020.
Retail traders, not hotshots like MicroStrategy, made Bitcoin in 2020
Dan Gunsberg

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