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Benedikt Herudek

Benedikt Herudek is a Consultant with professional experience in Enterprise IT and a degree in Formal Logic, Computer Science and Philosophy of Language. One of his technology related passions is to investigate how decentralized protocols could serve as a model for a decentralized middleware helping to disrupting Data Monopolists. During Linux IoT Summit 2016 (slides here, summarized & updated in a whitepaper) he suggested a Concept intended to extend and generalize Bitcoins concept of information in order to allow intercommunication between parties.

Author’s posts

The author pushes the frontiers of decentralized systems in describing how Turing Machines can communicate over Blockchains.
Can Applications Communicate Over Blockchains?
Benedikt Herudek
You are all ready for decentralization - it sounds like a new and free and better tech utopia to you. But then you realise, you might not be as free as you'd li...
Why Ethereum-Style Blockchains Do Not Really Decentralize
Benedikt Herudek
Can the European Central Bank become a decentralized autonomous organization?
Can The European Central Bank Go DAO? How Blockchain Will Help Europe
Benedikt Herudek
In a recent report, the European Parliament looked at cryptocurrencies with a mixture of openness to innovation and uncertainty in how to tackle it.
How European Parliament Views Blockchain and Crypto: Part 1
Benedikt Herudek
Can Blockchain break Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, eBay and the like? The answer we want to give for the currently discussed Blockchain interpretation is ‘so far, no’...
Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, eBay: How Blockchain Can Break Data Monopolists
Benedikt Herudek

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