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Amber Ghaddar

Amber Ghaddar is one of three founders of AllianceBlock, a globally compliant decentralized capital market. With a vast amount of experience across the capital markets industry over the last decade, Amber began her career at investment banking giant Goldman Sachs, before moving to JPMorgan Chase where she held a number of different roles in structured solutions, macro systematic trading strategies and fixed income trading. Amber obtained a B.Sc. in science and technology before graduating with three master’s degrees (neurosciences, microelectronics and nanotechnologies, and international risk management) and a Ph.D. She’s a graduate of McGill University and HEC Paris.

Author’s posts

In order for DeFi to have access to institutional actors, it will need to adapt. But by adapting, it might lose some of its core tenets.
What DeFi needs to do next to keep institutional players interested
Amber Ghaddar

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