Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 17 Oct 2021, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Ahmed Al-Balaghi

Ahmed Al-Balaghi is the CEO and co-founder of Biconomy. Before that, Ahmed worked for Jabbar Internet Group, a Dubai-based venture capital firm. He also founded Encrypted, the largest podcast in MENA dedicated to fintech, blockchain and crypto assets. Prior to that, Ahmed spent time as a blockchain researcher in Shanghai, China. He has also worked for institutions such as Citibank, Dow Jones and Ofgem.

Author’s posts

Multichain solutions will change the blockchain space from an “interesting new technology” to an essential, high-growth industry.
A multichain approach is the future of the blockchain industry
Ahmed Al-Balaghi

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