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Tim Draper News

Tim Draper is a pioneer of business ventures in the USA and a co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) Venture Company, which has a leading position in terms of venture investments in technological companies that are in the early stages of development. Currently, venture capitalist Tim Draper is actively investing into cryptocurrency and he is one of the primary investors in the Tezos project, which has attracted a record $232 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Tim Draper’s attitude toward Bitcoin has become popular due to his positivity, remaining unchanged even after the conflict with Tezos team members and the blocking of all assets of the company. According to Tim Draper, cryptocurrency represents freedom and is superior to the traditional financial system.
Tim Draper, the famous American venture capital investor, has praised Bitcoin and called it the smartest technical investment in his recent short interview give...
Tim Draper “Bitcoin smartest tech investment”
Sascha Carroll

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