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Susanne Tarkowski News

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof is a Bitnation’ founder, a virtual boardless post-nation state governance alternative. The main idea of creating a project like this came to her from Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof’s personal biography. She was born in Sweden and her parents had different origins, French and Polish. Susanne’s father couldn’t get citizenship for 10 years and, since then, she was thinking about the idea of replacing the existing system. In 2011, Susanne Tarkowski found out about Bitcoin technology for the first time and, in 2012, she got her first Bitcoin from a friend. Susanne is optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies and even her marriage was registered in 2016 on the Bitnation blockchain.
James Fennell Tempelhof, war zones old hand and Chief Griffin of Bitnation, on how Nation States are completely failing and why Blockchain and Bitcoin are alter...
Case Against Nation States and For Bitcoin: Bitnation’s James Fennell Tempelhof
Frisco d'Anconia
Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, Founder and CEO of Bitnation, on how smart contracts can lower costs of your business.
Susanne Tarkowski on How Smart Contracts Can Add Value to Your Business
Frisco d'Anconia
Some experts believe cryptocurrency with it uniqueness is the answer to ending involuntary taxation and can end the Nation State sooner than later.
Bitcoin is the Beginning of the End of the Nation State Says Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof
Frisco d'Anconia
Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, CEO and Founder of Bitnation, about a new application on the Ethereum Blockchain called Smart Love that allows anyone anywhere in t...
Bitnation Releases Marriage App, Smart Love, on Ethereum Blockchain
Frisco d'Anconia
Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, Founder of Bitnation, on Bitcoin’s being at a crossroad.
Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof on Hard Fork, Hurdles to Adoption and Future of Bitcoin
Frisco d'Anconia
Women in Bitcoin are taking a stand and making themselves known in what is still a male-dominated field.
If Bitcoin Had Sex, Could It Be Female?
Rebecca Campbell
The repetitive phenomenon of the fall in price of Bitcoin, coinciding with the meetings between the miners and core developers, has attracted concern within the...
Mere Coincidence? Miners Meet Core Developers, Bitcoin Price Plummets
Iyke Aru
With 2016 marking four years since the last halving, what FinTech companies should we look out for in the years ahead?
5 FinTech Companies to Shape the Future of Money
Rebecca Campbell

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