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Startups News

The classical definition of a startup is the creation of a new business model with the purpose of further development and money raising. In this way, as the blockchain industry has become one of the most popular, innovative areas, any brand-new cryptocurrency-related projects can give great opportunities for investments and subsequent profits. New products and services regularly attract investments by holding crowdfunding campaigns. The market of cryptocurrency startups changes so fast that it’s hard follow. However, there is big space for getting rich just by having an idea that stands out among competitive ones. So generating such an idea and presenting it to the public is what developers do before launching the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which they use for the the development of the concept.
There are also many fraudulent projects and that is why investors should investigate any startup they are going to spend money on.

Tim Draper Believes His Blockchain Startup Factum Can Become Greater Than Oracle, Palantir and IBM.
Blockchain Startup Factom Gets Over $4 Mln in Funding From Silicon Valley Investors
Joseph Young
2542 was hacked last week by an anonymous hacker, who penetrated the platform’s Double Spent Tool to steal nearly $5,000 Bitcoin. The company is now in ...
“We Are Hackers Ourselves”: What Bitcoin Startups Can Learn From Glass Hunt Hack
Joseph Young
Kenya Ministry of Communications and Information Technology minister Joe Mucheru is unable to sell his shares in BitPesa after the federal government imposed ti...
Kenya Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Bitcoin Startups, Minister Can’t Sell BitPesa Shares
Joseph Young
Hungary’s fintech sector is teeming with good ideas. Cointelegraph takes a look at some promising, internationally successful Fintech companies.
They Scare Hackers and Spread Bitcoin ATMs: Top 4 Fintech Startups in Hungary
Guest Author
South Korea’s leading Fintech startups are set to file a petition with the Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) against Apple Pay for their violation of local la...
Korean FinTech Startups Accuse Apple Pay of Violating Law, Complain to Government
Joseph Young
Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York Department of Financial Services have officially announced the proposal of the country’s first cyber security regulation ...
US First Cyber Security Regulation to Pressure Bitcoin Companies
Joseph Young
Music startup Revelator raised $2.5 million last week by offering a new kind of tracking for music rights and allowing royalties to be more efficiently distribu...
Music Platform Raises $2.5 Million For Blockchain-Based Music Rights Technology
Jacob Timp
The ICO crowdfunding of a Chinese startup aimed at making it a major Blockchain infrastructure globally has closed better than expected.
Chinese Startup Seeking to Be a Major Blockchain Infrastructure Raised Over $2 mln
Olusegun Ogundeji

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