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Social Media News

The social media definition is a computer-mediated communication system developed for sharing information, ideas, interests and other forms of expression in virtual communities. Social media apps are currently the most popular services on application markets, which target nearly every smartphone user. Social media marketing is now one of the most popular promotion techniques, allowing ads to target potential customers in avoidance of disinterested people. Social networks are connecting people around certain points of contact, which are identified by advertising systems. Social media platforms are expanding their functionality by implementing e-commerce, shopping and other features. Building social media with a blockchain may become a next step in social media, which will reduce unauthorized access to the personal information of users, get rid of censorship and make a trusted-transaction system within the network.

Next-generation decentralized social network Synereo has announced its partnership and integration with US social communications platform Splicious following th...
Synereo-Splicious Partnership Unveils Prototype in User Demo
William Suberg
Synereo, a next generation decentralized and distributed social network, will commence its crowdsale of AMPS on March 23, 2015 at 8:00 PM GMT.
Synereo Kicks Off Crowdsale for its ‘Decentralized Facebook’ Platform
George Samman
Synereo, a next generation decentralized and distributed social network, has released its whitepaper in which it reveals in great detail how the technology and ...
Synereo Pioneers Attention Economy and Distributed Cloud to Deliver Next-Generation Social Networks
George Samman
Dor Konforty is the CEO of Synereo, a “next generation” decentralized social network that incorporates blockchain technology to overcome problems associated wit...
Dor Konforty: Synereo is the ‘Natural Next Step’ After Facebook
Allen Scott
Just about everyone in the Bitcoin community agrees that there aren't enough women in cryptocurrencies. The developers of the Gems app are betting that “female ...
Girls Want Gems: App Designed to Grow Bitcoin User Base (Op-Ed)
Cheryl Hulseapple
First there were social networks, then came Bitcoin. Then Bitcoin 2.0. Now, directly over the horizon, comes a new platform—a “social network 2.0” called Gems.
Gems to Decentralize Social Network Messaging and Reward Users
Cheryl Hulseapple

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