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Rijk Plasman News

Rijk Plasman is a Dutch blockchain entrepreneur. He is famous for being the founder of the Gulden cryptocurrency project. Rijk Plasman’s Gulden company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Gulden aims to become a Bitcoin alternative that would be easy to use on an everyday basis. Gulden offers Android and iOS applications, which have a simplistic design that allows common customers to use cryptocurrency as an ordinary payment tool. According to Rijk Plasman, Gulden allows customers to utilize an instant exchange between Gulden, Bitcoin and fiat currencies, which helps customers with payments in businesses that allow any of mentioned payment tools. Rijk Plasman stated that Gulden is focused on working with merchants and expanding the acceptance of Gulden as a payment tool.
Cooperation and collaboration is a lacking component in the world of cryptocurrency, and focusing on working together, instead of in conflict, will solve many o...
Which Marketing Strategy is Best for Blockchain, Bitcoin Companies
Joël Valenzuela
Nocks, an exchange and payment processor working closely with Gulden, has dropped Bitcoin support, citing the cryptocurrency’s bad reputation and slow confirmat...
Nocks, Gulden Drop Bitcoin Support, Cite Bad Reputation and Slow Transactions
Joël Valenzuela
Gulden has released an update for its desktop and mobile platform, allowing funds to be sent seamlessly to Gulden wallets, Bitcoin wallets, and even to European...
Most User-Friendly Crypto? Gulden User Experience Streamlined in Major Update
Joël Valenzuela
Gulden continues its meteoric rise, multiplying its market cap tenfold over the last month alone and rising into the top 25 cryptocurrency charts.
Gulden Passes $10 Million Mark, Heads for Top 20 Cryptocurrencies
Joël Valenzuela
Rijk Plasman, founder of Gulden, Netherlands-based cryptocurrency, tells Cointelegraph about its rise.
"People's Bitcoin" Gulden Makes Significant Gains Without Hype
Joël Valenzuela
Four cryptocurrency adoption experts share their tips and tricks for how to bring crypto to the average Joe.
Bitcoin Beyond Nerds: How to Get the Average Joe to Use Cryptocurrency
Joël Valenzuela
Netherlands-based cryptocurrency Gulden maintains strong merchant adoption thanks to a focus on user-friendliness.
All That Glitters Is Gulden: Dutch Cryptocurrency Boasts Impressive Adoption
Joël Valenzuela

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