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Porn News

Porn, or Pornography, can be described as sexual content displayed for viewing by a third party. Porn is largely based online at present, but also remains available via physical books and magazines. The internet boom has shifted many things online in recent years. Sexual content is no exception, with crypto assets providing a potential payment avenue for such activity. A number of sites allow various digital assets as payment, while some blockchain projects have also surfaced around the pornograpy industry.

BitPervy, an adult entertainment site, which enables users to share porn for digital currency had its soft launch for users to test out its bitcoin revenue shar...
BitPervy: Share Porn and Earn Bitcoin
Joseph Young
Cindy Gallop is the founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, a site dedicated to establishing the difference between porn and “real world” sex, while further enabling people...
Decentralizing Sex: Cindy Gallop Makes Love Not Porn
Amanda B. Johnson
Playboy Enterprises, Inc. has received positive results after evaluating all pros and cons of Bitcoin as a payment method and decided to introduce the currency ...
Playboy Plus Harmoniously Complements the List of Bitcoin Accepting Companies
Stanislas Bromden
The online porn industry is massive, and it has been a major influencer of many revolutionary web technologies. Case in point: Snapchat’s $3 billion valuation.
Porn and Bitcoin: It’s time for a serious discussion
Anthony Wall
Danny Bradbury touches on the idea that Bitcoin could revolutionize payment processing in industries banks generally shy away from: adult services, gambling, ce...
Bitcoin, payment processing and high-risk merchants
Eric Barrier

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