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Politics News

Politics is an activity of public authorities and administrations that is aimed at making decisions and resolving issues related to the functioning of a human community, particularly a state. Politics is divided between domestic and foreign policies, the latter of which is responsible for activities and relations with other states while, at the same time, preserving its national interests. World news concerning politics has important role in every country and, thereby, in the life of its citizens. As the use of cryptocurrency has spread globally, with governments having different opinions and, therefore, affecting international relations, many are trying to find ways to regulate it. Any news concerning world politics and cryptocurrencies has become popular in communities worldwide.

Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican, wants the Bitcoin community to reach out to politicians and lawmakers.
Texas Congressman one of Bitcoin’s biggest supporters in Washington
Eric Barrier
One presidential candidate in Romania has made waves in his campaign by announcing that he will open up donations in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin donations factoring into Romanian presidential campaign
Eric Barrier
Three-time US presidential candidate Ron Paul addressed his eponymous cryptocurrency in an interview with CNBC on Wednesday.
Ron Paul talks about RonPaulCoin, cryptocurrencies
Eric Barrier
The candidate offered and approved by president Obama and his administration received 56 votes from the senators, leaving the opposition with humble and not cru...
Janet Yellen Was Elected to Be the Chair of the Fed
Andrew Marshall
In the June of 2014 the Great Pacific Race 2014 will be held. The distance to be covered by the competitors will be measured from California to Hawaii to Support Elsa Hammond in the Raw for Pacific
Andrew Marshall
A new Federal Election Commission ruling might expand the list of what is possible to purchase with bitcoins with a juridical realm: buying politicians.
Soon there will be a possibility to buy politicians with digital money
There is no secret in the fact that politicians, parties and organizations receive donations regularly and especially intensively during the preparations for el...
Donations in Bitcoins for Politicians? Why not!

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