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Politics News

Politics is an activity of public authorities and administrations that is aimed at making decisions and resolving issues related to the functioning of a human community, particularly a state. Politics is divided between domestic and foreign policies, the latter of which is responsible for activities and relations with other states while, at the same time, preserving its national interests. World news concerning politics has important role in every country and, thereby, in the life of its citizens. As the use of cryptocurrency has spread globally, with governments having different opinions and, therefore, affecting international relations, many are trying to find ways to regulate it. Any news concerning world politics and cryptocurrencies has become popular in communities worldwide.

Thank an educated electorate for a brighter future for Bitcoin.
The Trump Train Goes to Washington; Three Ways Trump Helps Bitcoin
Evander Smart
This article seeks to explain just how far above the law the Secretary of State went, and what comes next if she is allowed even more rope to strangle what fre...
How Hillary Clinton Seeks to End The Internet, Bitcoin and The Free World (Op-Ed)
Evander Smart
Are all bitcoin supporters de-facto Trump supporters or is there more than what meets the eye?
Is Bitcoin Responsible For the Emergence of Trump?
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Semantic Blockchain as an impetus to increased voter engagement for US elections.
Blockchain for President: How It Can Disrupt US Voting Machine
S. Matthew English
Iceland’s Pirate Party may win the national elections on Saturday which can lead to a strong pro-cryptocurrency presence in parliament.
Iceland’s Pirate Party Could Win Parliamentary Elections, Benefiting Bitcoin, Auroracoin Adoption
Joël Valenzuela
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign sought Apple and Google’s opinion on its position on encryption.
Hillary Clinton Sought Apple and Google’s Blessing on Her Encryption Stance
Joël Valenzuela
Blythe Masters has been ranked #46 in Bloomberg's List of Most Influential People in finance. She is the only representative of the FinTech industry in this lis...
Politicians Dominate Bloomberg's Who's Who of Finance, With Blythe Masters #46
Jacob J
In a stunning display of censorship, a hidden camera revealed that YouTube threatened a French blogger not to ask tough questions of the European Commission Pre...
YouTube Threatens Blogger Over Tough Questions To The European Commission President
Joël Valenzuela

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