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P2P News

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking is a distributed application architecture built upon the principle of the equality of participants. Commonly, P2P networks do not have dedicated servers and every peer takes a part of the work. P2P systems have been used in many application domains but became popular after the launch of the P2P file sharing system called Napster. Today, P2P networks are known for being platforms for the development of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ether and many others. P2P networks have proven themselves as robust, useful and secure, which then led to the establishment of P2P payment systems and to their growth in popularity. Current P2P networks are used in finance, content delivery, peer-to-peer file sharing, copyright infringement, multimedia and distributed search engines for building secure and trusted networks.

Bank of America has filed a pair of patents for a Blockchain technology-based system aimed to improve the tracking of file transfer processing in real time.
Bank of America Files Patent for Blockchain-based Processing System
Lisa Froelings
There are many private DNA databases in the world - imagine all of their data combined with open access to everyone.
Moving Science, Meeting Needs, and Making Money With Zenome
Jon Buck
The Malaysian central bank is considering regulating digital currencies, and it has several options at its disposal.
Malaysian Central Bank Close to Deciding On Digital Currency Regulations
Lisa Froelings
Credit score might become a thing of the past as AI and big data give lending companies a more complete picture of loan applicants' financial situation.
How Big Data And Artificial Intelligence are Changing Online Lending
Ben Dickson
The VR industry has been touted as the next big thing - what is holding it back?
Current Challenges of Virtual Reality, Explained
Jon Buck
Chinese P2P platform volume quadruples as exchanges close down.
China’s Prohibition Causes Massive Spike in P2P Trading Platforms
Jon Buck
Everything you need to know about the way decentralized payment gateways work.
Multi Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway, Explained
Chrisjan Pauw
Online retailers are seeking solutions to problems plaguing the industry through Blockchain technology
Bringing Blockchain Technology to E-Commerce: Current Trends
Jon Buck

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