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Monero News

Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that allows anonymous and untraceable transactions by default using various cryptographic technologies that provide strong privacy guarantees. To maintain decentralization, Monero undergoes regular protocol changes to its mining algorithm and other features every six months to avoid monopolies and cartelization. 

Launched in April 2014 as a fork of BitMonero — itself a fork of Bytecoin (BCN) — Monero’s core development was driven by a group of largely pseudonymous developers led by Ricardo Spagni, also known as Fluffypony. Spagni left his role as lead maintainer of the project in December 2019 to further decentralize Monero’s core development and focus on building products and services on the protocol. 

Over the years, Monero has garnered a reputation as a cryptocurrency of choice on the darknet because of its strong privacy and anonymity features that exceed most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC). 

Monero (XMR) is an anonymous and decentralized cryptocurrency with CryptoNight (64-bit CPU-only) PoW hash algorithm and based on CryptoNote protocol.
The first time I heard about Bitcoin I wasn't very impressed. As an anarchist with an Austrian economic background, it didn't make much sense to me right away. ...
Bitcoin Is Not A Sprint, It's A Marathon (Op-Ed)
Jamie Redman
We got a chance to ask Ronny CEO CCEDK about the recent launch of Nubits, his forward-thinking approach to altcoins and 2.0 cryptocurrencies, and the state of B...
If We Can’t Use PayPal 100%, What Is the Purpose Then?” – Ronny Boesing, CEO CCEDK
Allen Scott
In February, Finnish silver investor and Bitcoin millionaire Risto Pietilä, purchased Malla Manor, a 600-year-old castle located in North Estonia. 6 months afte...
Finnish Investor Plans to Turn Estonian Castle Into a Bitcoin Center
Diana Ngo
The U.S. based exchange Bittrex is seriously considering dropping its Litecoin Markets in favor of BlackCoin, according to a press release put out by Blackcoin....
Bittrex 'Seriously Considering' Dropping LTC Markets For BlackCoin
Ian DeMartino

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