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Monero News

Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that allows anonymous and untraceable transactions by default using various cryptographic technologies that provide strong privacy guarantees. To maintain decentralization, Monero undergoes regular protocol changes to its mining algorithm and other features every six months to avoid monopolies and cartelization. 

Launched in April 2014 as a fork of BitMonero — itself a fork of Bytecoin (BCN) — Monero’s core development was driven by a group of largely pseudonymous developers led by Ricardo Spagni, also known as Fluffypony. Spagni left his role as lead maintainer of the project in December 2019 to further decentralize Monero’s core development and focus on building products and services on the protocol. 

Over the years, Monero has garnered a reputation as a cryptocurrency of choice on the darknet because of its strong privacy and anonymity features that exceed most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC). 

Price Analysis
The action might shift to altcoins for the next few days. Which altcoins offer a trading opportunity? Let’s analyze the charts.
Price Analysis 09/09: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, BNB, EOS, BSV, XMR, ADA
Rakesh Upadhyay
Market Analysis
Can the top performers of the past week build on the gains and turn bullish? Let’s look at the charts.
Top-5 Crypto Performers: XMR, EOS, BCH, BTC, DASH
Rakesh Upadhyay
The online drug trade is on the rise. Learn about Bitcoin’s involvement and whether it is able to completely replace cash in the drug trade in the near future.
Crypto, Cash and Drugs: Crypto Use Grows as Drug Trade Digitalizes
Joseph Birch
Price Analysis
Will Apple’s interest in cryptocurrencies drive the next leg of the up-move? Let’s analyze the charts.
Price Analysis 06/09: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, BNB, EOS, BSV, XMR, XLM
Rakesh Upadhyay
Price Analysis
Most major cryptocurrencies are facing selling at higher levels. Is the current dip a buying opportunity or will the price break below recent lows? Let’s analyz...
Price Analysis 04/09: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, BNB, EOS, BSV, XMR, XLM
Rakesh Upadhyay
Price Analysis
Bitcoin is attempting a bounce. Will it sustain and resume the uptrend? Let’s analyze the charts.
Price Analysis 02/09: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, BNB, EOS, BSV, XLM, XMR
Rakesh Upadhyay
French police have located the server of a massive botnet, which had previously been utilized by hackers for XRM cryptojacking.
French Police Shut Down 850,000 Computer Botnet Used for Cryptojacking
Max Boddy
Price Analysis
Bitcoin is getting ready for a large move. At what level does it become a buy? Let’s analyze the charts.
Price Analysis 28/08: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, BNB, EOS, BSV, XLM, XMR
Rakesh Upadhyay

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