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Monero News

Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that allows anonymous and untraceable transactions by default using various cryptographic technologies that provide strong privacy guarantees. To maintain decentralization, Monero undergoes regular protocol changes to its mining algorithm and other features every six months to avoid monopolies and cartelization. 

Launched in April 2014 as a fork of BitMonero — itself a fork of Bytecoin (BCN) — Monero’s core development was driven by a group of largely pseudonymous developers led by Ricardo Spagni, also known as Fluffypony. Spagni left his role as lead maintainer of the project in December 2019 to further decentralize Monero’s core development and focus on building products and services on the protocol. 

Over the years, Monero has garnered a reputation as a cryptocurrency of choice on the darknet because of its strong privacy and anonymity features that exceed most cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC). 

Interpol helped curtail cryptojacking malware that affected thousands of routers.
Interpol Collaborates With Cybersecurity Firm to Tackle Cryptojacking
Andrey Shevchenko
Price Analysis
Profit booking seen at higher levels. However, if the major cryptocurrencies can bounce off their strong support levels, it will indicate strength.
Price Analysis Jan 8: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS, BNB, BSV, XMR, ADA
Rakesh Upadhyay
Triptych is a new ring signatures construction that could increase Monero’s anonymity set more than tenfold, though live implementations are still far off.
Monero's Triptych Research Could Vastly Improve Its Anonymity
Andrey Shevchenko
Price Analysis
Several altcoins have made their first move from longtime lows and if Bitcoin is able to confirm a bottom, a marketwide rally is likely to pick up steam.
Price Analysis Jan 06: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS, BNB, BSV, XLM, XMR
Rakesh Upadhyay
Price Analysis
Few of the top five cryptocurrency performers of the past seven days are showing signs of bottoming out. Can they start a new uptrend?
Top-5 Cryptos This Week (Jan 5): BSV, XMR, ETC, BCH, LEO
Rakesh Upadhyay
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong believes that a “privacy coin” go mainstream in the 20s.
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Says 20s Will See an Anoncoin Go Mainstream
Adrian Zmudzinski
New Year Special
What did 2019 bring by way of privacy coins in criminality, how have things changed, and what is the 2020 outlook?
Privacy Coins in 2019: True Financial Freedom or a Criminal's Delight?
Will Heasman
Zcoin launched a new platform designed to serve as a shift from direct funding from the block reward to a donation model.
Privacy-Focused Zcoin Launches Funding Project Similar to Monero CCS
Helen Partz

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