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Messaging App News

Messaging apps or chat applications are platforms that enable the exchange of messages. Most messaging apps were originally social networking platforms, but they have vastly increased their functions over time. Today, messaging apps also enable chatbots, smart replies, voice and video calls, payments and conversational commerce. Messaging apps are the most popular software for smartphones today. However, even encrypted-messaging apps’ architectures make those applications centralized, with a place for censorship and the possibility of deleting data. Blockchain-based p2p messaging apps may become the new generation of messaging apps, with advanced security and reduced opportunities for censorship. Decentralized messaging apps are currently designed on several major blockchain platforms and have their own startups and ICOs too.
First there were social networks, then came Bitcoin. Then Bitcoin 2.0. Now, directly over the horizon, comes a new platform—a “social network 2.0” called Gems.
Gems to Decentralize Social Network Messaging and Reward Users
Cheryl Hulseapple
If You feel the potential of a hacker, but feel frightened to commit a crime and to travel to jail?
An Effective Breaking Open of Telegram Protocol is 200 000$ Worth
Proponents of online anonymity, or at least the access to it, might have high praise for Trsst, an encrypted blogging and messaging platform that will even allo...
Trsst: Secure blogging, messaging platform for the open web
Eric Barrier

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