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Malware News

Malicious software, or malware, is a piece software made to damage a computer or a network. Malware operates from within the targeted system and needs to be implanted into it before the execution of its program. Trojan malware is one of the most popular damaging tools, which is usually executed by the misled user themself. An executed trojan can offer hackers the opportunity to access a user’s private information, install some mining malware or encryption malware without the target’s knowledge about it. Malware can be used for various purposes, such as to damage system maintenance, or to gain access to trade secrets or to secret government information. Bitcoin-stealing malware and other cryptocurrency-targeted programs are also widely used alongside the malware for stealing fiat money. The problem of malware for businesses and users becomes more concerning with the growing speed of IT-implementation into daily life.
The creator of, Maximillian Laumeister has given interview to, where he explained what happened to the – h...
Music from transactions and malware
Thomas Cole
Many Yahoo users in Europe had their computers infected in a massive malware attack earlier this month.
Yahoo spreads Bitcoin malware to 2 million users
Eric Barrier
E-Sports Entertainment, a gaming company that earlier this year admitted to using customer computers to mine Bitcoins, has reached a settlement for $1 million. ...
Game company running secret Bitcoin mining op to settle for $1 million
Eric Barrier
CryptoLocker malware takes computer and documents “in hostage” by encrypting users data. In order to decrypt this information malware charges a ransom in fiat o...
Bitcoin ransom to CryptoLocker malware
Nina Lyon
ZeroAccess, one of the most developed bots in the bitcoin system, has collapsed – it was taken down by the Symantec security company.
No mining for ZeroAccess

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