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Malware News

Malicious software, or malware, is a piece software made to damage a computer or a network. Malware operates from within the targeted system and needs to be implanted into it before the execution of its program. Trojan malware is one of the most popular damaging tools, which is usually executed by the misled user themself. An executed trojan can offer hackers the opportunity to access a user’s private information, install some mining malware or encryption malware without the target’s knowledge about it. Malware can be used for various purposes, such as to damage system maintenance, or to gain access to trade secrets or to secret government information. Bitcoin-stealing malware and other cryptocurrency-targeted programs are also widely used alongside the malware for stealing fiat money. The problem of malware for businesses and users becomes more concerning with the growing speed of IT-implementation into daily life.
Trojans and other sophisticated malware being targeted at digital currency owners; “Cryptoshuffler” has stolen $150,000 so far.
Cryptoshuffler Proves Bitcoin Owners Susceptible to Malware, Steals $150,000
Jacob J
A US man has admitted to stealing $40 mln worth of Bitcoin after he was arrested for selling stolen laptops and a gold necklace.
US Hacker Taken For Stealing Necklace, Confesses to $40 Mln Bitcoin Heist
Darryn Pollock
Malware appears to be responsible for a 13 BTC transaction falling into the wrong hands.
Bitcoin Malware Changes Destination Wallet To Steal 13 BTC
William Suberg
Cyren, an Israeli cybersecurity and software company, revealed a type of malware that has been stealing user funds and passwords of bitcoin wallets from PC user...
Malware Steals User Funds & Bitcoin Wallet Keys From PCs; Bitcoin, Altcoins Targeted
Joseph Young
Over 1 million Android devices have become victims of mass malware hidden in apps called Gooligan.
Gooligan Android Malware Steals Access To One Million Accounts
William Suberg
A number of major news websites have been hit by a cryptolocker malvertising campaign.
Major Sites Including New York Times and BBC Hit by Cryptolocker Malvertising
Charlie McCombie
What to do to protect your PC against Bitcoin stealing malware.
Bitcoin Stealing Malware Attacks Gamers
Lana Smiley
the author of the crypto-ransomware known as Locker posted an apology on Pastebin and claimed that he “never intended to release” the malware program.
Author of ‘Locker’ Crypto Ransomware Decrypts All Infected Files and Apologizes
Joseph Young

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