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London News

London is the capital and largest city in Great Britain. It is the third largest by population in Europe, and it is a large financial, tourist, political and cultural center. London is one of the world’s three economic centers, along with New York and Tokyo. Also, London is a global city. In terms of cryptocurrency, the city is attractive for investors and for conducting businesses, as it has supportive policies and relatively law taxes. Besides that, there are a lot of Bitcoin ATMs in London, with exchanges and trading platforms. Local banks have created a special card for operating conveniently with digital currencies. In addition, the authorities are considering the possibility of creating a special London Bitcoin.
Our London columnist reports on an Ethereum-related mortal accident in Shoreditch, discovers Blockchain’s Book of the Mormon and crypto Bite-Coin in the Tower. ...
London Scene Roundup: Ether Death, Vampire Coven, Bitcoin Witness Protection Program
Nick Ayton
Nick Ayton on SproutCoin potential with Ethereum, AccapulcoCoin’s successful ICO, and the fintech making strands into the London Red Lights district.
London Scene Roundup: Christmas Crypto, Sex, Satoshi and VoyeurCoin
Nick Ayton
Bank of England puts 2 mln London Jobs at risk by not providing direction to the cryptocurrency sector. In contrast, ECB is clear.
As ECB Embraces Blockchain, Bank of England Chooses Wait and See Approach
Nick Ayton
If the UK exits from the EU, it should lose its banking passporting rights, warns the head of Bundesbank, and adds that Frankfurt is more attractive as a financ...
Frankfurt vs. London: Bundesbank Head Says UK Should Lose Bank Passporting Rights Due to Brexit
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Stratis, a London-based blockchain solutions company, has a goal of building a Blockchain Development Platform.
UK Blockchain Company Hits £100,000 Investment via Bitcoin
Angus Leung
London Fintech Week is an 8-day event taking place in London on 15th-22nd July 2016.
Global Fintech Masterminds to Attend London Fintech Week 2016
Charlie McCombie
The race is on between European cities including Frankfurt, Dublin and Paris for London's finance crown following the Brexit vote.
London’s Fintech Crown Up For Grabs After Brexit As Dublin, Paris, Frankfurt Cajole Bankers
Niall Maye
As a result of Brexit, some UK fintech companies fear the brain drain and trade difficulties, and consider moving out.
UK Fintech Companies Weight Up Moving to Other EU Jurisdictions
Alicia Naumoff

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