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London News

London is the capital and largest city in Great Britain. It is the third largest by population in Europe, and it is a large financial, tourist, political and cultural center. London is one of the world’s three economic centers, along with New York and Tokyo. Also, London is a global city. In terms of cryptocurrency, the city is attractive for investors and for conducting businesses, as it has supportive policies and relatively law taxes. Besides that, there are a lot of Bitcoin ATMs in London, with exchanges and trading platforms. Local banks have created a special card for operating conveniently with digital currencies. In addition, the authorities are considering the possibility of creating a special London Bitcoin.
Nick Ayton reports on another exciting week in London, with Gibraltar rapidly becoming the most progressive center in EU, SpaceCoin going to Planet-1F, the real...
Gibraltar Now Most Progressive Center in EU: London Scene Roundup
Nick Ayton
There are many ways you can use Bitcoin today in many countries, getting everything from dentistry services to buying a camera to show off your new smile.
Eat, Say Cheese, Fly Away: Six Ways to Spend Your Bitcoin Around The World
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton reports on another exciting week in London where hackers are up to off planetary stuff, the first coin synced to Moon cycles...
London Gets Hacked, Banks Up To Stuff: Nick Ayton Reports
Nick Ayton
Fast growing unicorn will stay put in its London HQ post Brexit, but will set up office on continent if UK loses passporting rights.
What Brexit Means for London’s First FinTech Unicorn TransferWise
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Our London Correspondent on new ICOs, Mormons seeing the light in Blockchain, Satoshi, Blockchain entrepreneur abducted by aliens and CityChain 2017.
Blockchain Mormons, ICOs, Aliens, Football: London Scene Round Up
Nick Ayton
Humaniq has announced the launch of its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) pre-order fund for bank transfers on their website in order to meet expected high demand.
Humaniq Opens ICO Pre-Orders for Bank Transfers, Updates App
Rebecca Campbell
Alphavend has installed a third Bitcoin ATM, representing its second in London with a maximum purchase limit of £1000.
Third Alphavend Bitcoin ATM Opens in London’s King’s Cross
William Suberg
Our own correspondent Nick Ayton on the Turing Award, Bitcoin hard fork, new ICOs and tokenization during a rather somber week in London.
Bitcoin Unlimited, Hard Fork, New ICOs, Satoshi in London Scene Roundup
Nick Ayton

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