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Komodo News

Komodo (KMD) is a cryptocurrency project aiming to provide more anonymity and security than first-generation cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
The Komodo Platform relies on a technology called Zero Knowledge Proof. ZKP is a method that allows a prover to verify the fact of having some information without revealing anything more than the fact that he does has it. This technology allows KMD transactions to be 100% private. To improve security, Komodo uses a Delayed-Proof-of-Work consensus protocol which is similar to the standard Proof-of-Work but adds a notarization mechanism that ensures the integrity of a new block.
Komodo has also established such services as BarterDex (a decentralized exchange) and a cryptocurrency anonymizer called Jumbrl. With all these features, Komodo has become more of an ecosystem and a development platform than just a cryptocurrency with private transactions.

Press Release
Decentralized trading, anonymity, and pegged assets is something we all want. Today they are working and waiting for the launch of Komodo.
Komodo Is the Foundation For a New Decentralized Ecosystem
Press Release
Concerns regarding the pseudonymous nature of Bitcoin and the techniques that can be used to identify users via Blockchain analysis has led to the creation of a...
Komodo: The New Standard for Secure and Anonymous Transactions

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