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Jose Rodriguez News

Jose Rodriguez is Bitso’s head of payments and business development. Bitso is a Mexican Bitcoin exchange that was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Mexico City. Bitso was the first cryptocurrency exchange in Mexico and provides the exchange of Bitcoin and the Mexican peso. Jose Rodriguez is also the former CEO of a cryptocurrency exchange named Unisend Mexico, which was acquired by Bitso. For a long time, Jose Rodriguez worked in Mexican and U.S. financial institutions at various positions. Since 2013, he became one of the main figures of Bitcoin in Mexico. Jose Rodriguez, as Bitso’s vice president of payments, frequently participates in various blockchain and cryptocurrency-related events. He is also recognized as a fintech investor, the author of cryptocurrency-related articles and a blockchain promoter.
The government of Mexico is preparing for a potential economic fallout if Donald Trump is elected president in the US, indicating that the country needs a less ...
Peso Weakens as Trump’s Odds Improve, Mexico Needs a Politically Neutral Currency Like Bitcoin
Joël Valenzuela
Bitcoin Unlimited takes off as Core blocks mined drop below 90% for the first time, indicating that Bitcoin may be forked, increasing the block size limit.
Bitcoin Fork Soon? Core Blocks Dip Below 90% As Unlimited Takes Off
Joël Valenzuela
The heads of the world’s biggest central banks need help fixing the economy. Instead of asking for more government control, is Bitcoin a better alternative?
Central Bankers to Governments: We Need Help! Is Bitcoin a Solution?
Joël Valenzuela
Faced with a rapidly devaluing peso, the Mexican central bank has hiked rates, possibly triggering a slumping economy. Using Bitcoin allows citizens of Mexico t...
Mexican Central Bank Raises Rates to Counter Peso Slump: Opportunity for Bitcoin
Joël Valenzuela
You can now buy Bitcoin at convenience stores all around Mexico, thanks to a partnership between Mexican cryptocurrency exchange Bitso and payment services prov...
Over-the-Counter Coins: Bitso Begins Selling Bitcoin from Convenience Stores
Joël Valenzuela
Employing Bitcoin could revolutionize the remittance industry for Mexican immigrants in the United States.
Bitcoin Remittances to Mexico See Huge Potential
Joël Valenzuela
Jose Rodriguez and Pablo Gonzalez gave an exclusive interview to Cointelegraph and told about the development of Mexican market.
LaBitConf to explore Mexican Market Development
Nina Lyon

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