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Jon Matonis News

Jon Matonis is a crypto economist and virtual money researcher who mostly specializes in promoting the circulation of virtual currencies. The early works of Jon Matonis on financial cryptography and digital cash system has been published by the Dow Jones and the London School of Economics. Currently, Jon Matonis is one of the leading people in crypto industry since he has taken part in such projects as CoinDesk — the website with news publications specializing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, where Jon Matonis works as a contributing editor — and the most popular project of Jon Matonis is the Bitcoin Foundation — a non-profit organization where he is an executive director. Besides that, Jon Matonis advises startups in Bitcoin, mobile, gaming, etc.
Singapore's central bank funds blockchain-based project; former Skype COO joins board; 36 French startups team up to create Fintech association;...
JUL 2 DIGEST: Former Skype Exec Joins Board; Singapore's Central Bank Backs Blockchain Project
Diana Ngo
Cointelegraph spoke to Jon Matonis on increasing the 21 million bitcoin cap, the importance of fungibility and privacy for Bitcoin’s success.
Jon Matonis: Bitcoin Needs Its Own Version of LIBOR
Evander Smart
A cryptocurrency fund managed has raised over US$1 million; GoCoin and Ziftr announce merger agreement; rewards programs exempted from New York's BitLicense and...
JUN 10 DIGEST: Max Keiser's 'Bitcoin Capital' Investment Fund Raises over $1M, Bitso Acquires Unisend Mexico
Diana Ngo
A global drug survey has shown an increase in online drug business; an Australian based startup has launched a finance social network and more news.
JUN 8 DIGEST: Online Drug Sales Booming, First Finance Social Network Launched
Daniel O. Nyairo
With the promise of the moon for its users without the need to purchase expensive mining equipment, the cloudmining industry has been experiencing its ups, and ...
Cloudmining: The Bane or Blessing of Bitcoin? (Op-Ed)
Allen Scott
Jon Matonis and Roger Ver on the solutions Bitcoin offers to the gaming industry, Bitreserve’s Halsey Minor announces new customer, and ‘decentralized gaming’ w...
Roger Ver: Gaming Industry ‘Should Be Scrambling to Implement Bitcoin’
Cecile Baird
Just two weeks after stepping down as executive director of the Bitcoin Foundation, Jon Matonis was in Riga, Latvia, for the eCom21 III International E-Commerce...
Jon Matonis: ‘Bitcoin Is the No. 1 Topic’ at European E- Commerce Conference
Armand Tanzarian
New Weekend Roundup from Cointelegraph
Weekend Roundup: Reports, Rumors Surround a Possible SEC Crackdown; Jon Matonis Leaves Bitcoin Foundation
Armand Tanzarian

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