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Italy News

Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a unitary parliamentary republic located along the Mediterranean Sea. The Italian economy is the eighth-largest in the world and is built upon a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, with most of them focused on niche markets and luxury products. Italy has both a large agricultural sector and a large, technologically-advanced manufacturing industry. Italy didn’t have any special Bitcoin regulations and there was no legal framework for cryptocurrency in Italy until 2018. Currently, Italian professionals in the blockchain industry, such as exchanges and investors, are required to be registered by the Institution of Agents and Mediators by providing documentation data and the websites of businesses. Italy does not have cryptocurrency taxes, but a list of cryptocurrency agents will be available to the Financial Police to conduct investigations of money laundering and terrorism funding.

There are about 7 million people in Italy, who do not have the bank account and by that I mean that they had never had one.
Bringing Bitcoin closer to hard cash in Italy
Andrew Marshall

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