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IRS News

The Internal Revenue Service or IRS is a public authority of Federal Government of the United States. The IRS is responsible for all tax collection and controls the implementation of tax legislation. The service was formed in 1862 and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

There is currently an essential issue concerning the IRS with regards to the taxation of cryptocurrency. The organization has already announced that Bitcoin and other kinds of digital money are regarded as a possession, mining as a way of income, and the storing of cryptocurrency as equivalent to holding gold, meaning that everything should be taxed using the existing laws. Due to the IRS, if a Bitcoin owner came into possession of it by mining and then sold it, it is supposed to be considered 100% profit, which should be taxed between 15% and 20%, depending on its size. In addition to that, the IRS requested some large cryptocurrency exchange administrations for information about clients whose transactions were more than $20,000/year between 2013-2016.

Expert Take
International tax officer sums up current state of ICO regulation in US
ICOs Flow Continues As Regulations Fall Around the World: Expert Blog
Selva Ozelli
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There is an ancient tax that can actually become a solution for cryptocurrencies.
Could Milton Friedman’s “Least Bad Tax” Work for Cryptocurrencies? Expert Blog
Dashiell Shapiro
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Cryptocurrency loans have their unique problems with taxes leading to some new challenges.
Cryptocurrency Loans: Are They Loans for Tax Purposes? Expert Blog
Robert W. Wood
Expert Take
The tax man cometh...and he probably knows who you are.
Virtual Currency Exchanges and US Customers Beware, IRS Is Coming: Expert Blog
Selva Ozelli
Expert Take
Tax attorney gives tips on how to deal with Bitcoin and the IRS.
Ten Tax Tips for Cryptocurrency: Expert Blog
Robert W. Wood
Expert Take
Robert Wood, a tax lawyer, discusses how and when to pay tax on Bitcoin transactions.
Cryptocurrency Tax Tips, Until Tax Relief Passes: Expert Blog
Robert W. Wood
Governments are stepping up their attacks on citizens’ privacy with sophisticated methods. Fortunately Bitcoin can’t be censored.
When Governments Get Intrusive, Bitcoin Provides Way Out
Jacob J
Expert Take
Why IRS just wouldn’t let Bitcoin go and what you can do about it.
IRS Hunt for Cryptocurrency Isn’t Going Away: Expert Blog
Robert W. Wood

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