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Investments News

Investing in cryptocurrency is a high-risk/high-reward activity, whether that entails day-trading in the open market, buying into institutional investment funds or investing in particular blockchain enterprises. 

In recent years, the blockchain space has attempted to disrupt venture funding and investment through a particularly powerful use case in crowdfunding. An influx of hype and amateur investment reached a peak during the 2017 to 2018 initial coin offering, or ICO, bubble in which projects raised billions of dollars in return for assets of questionable value or utility, quickly putting the industry in the sights of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and similar regulatory authorities. 

There is ongoing discourse on and experimentation in how to fund open-source protocol development that doesn’t involve the traditional route of venture capital and that better aligns the incentives of all stakeholders, from the developers to the users. 

Seeing where investment capital is going in the space can provide a gauge of market sentiment around industry trends and potential high-growth areas.

The what, where and why of Bitcoin futures.
Bitcoin Futures, Explained
Chrisjan Pauw
Kevin O’Leary says Bitcoin is an asset, but not a viable currency - investors who don’t understand should stay out.
Shark Tank Investor: Bitcoin an Asset But Requires Education to Avoid Disaster
Jon Buck
Patrick Byrne, Overstock CEO, may end up selling his e-commerce firm to fund a new Blockchain land registry venture.
Overstock CEO Considers Selling Company to Fund Blockchain Venture
Joshua Althauser
Financial experts and artificial intelligence are combined in a new Blockchain platform that automates your investment portfolio.
Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence Enabling Democratization of Investing
Guest Author
Creating a platform where everyone can participate effectively while synergizing with other key influencers of the industry will not only enable a robust ecosys...
Synergizing Gaming Industry Through Blockchain
Iyke Aru
People worry that it’s too late to buy Bitcoin, but are we still in the early adopter phase?
Is it Ever Too Late to Buy Bitcoin? $100 Then and Now
Darryn Pollock
Former New Zealand prime minister calls BTC investment rumors on ‘fake news,’ Facebook refuses to remove them.
Former NZ PM Angrily Denies BTC Investment Rumors
Joshua Althauser
Nick Cowan comments on dynamics of crypto communities, narrates his own love story with the fintech market and applies the theory of the paradox of choice.
That Business Is Absolutely on Fire, Nick Cowan Gives Thoughts on Crypto
Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr

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