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Internet News

A simple definition of the internet is a global system of interconnected computers. Internet technology is the defining mark of the 21th century, that has caused the establishment of internet banking, internet-based education, news and media services and a wide variety of other activities. As the internet became more and more affordable and, therefore, integrated into the life of ordinary people, such problems as internet safety, internet privacy and security gained a great deal of attention and became important research fields. The internet greatly accelerated the speed of every information-based process, such as science, education, finance and communication. As the internet has no centralized governance and each network has its own policies, the internet is often referred to as a place of freedom. However, governmental restrictions on the internet are taking place in most countries but largely differ in their severity.

Vodafone invests $7.2 Bn in its India unit, challenging Mukesh Ambani, the richest Indian, who launched Reliance Jio.
Vodafone Invests $7 Bln in India to Challenge Mukesh Ambani
Jacob J
Predatory pricing unleashed by a telecom provider in India is leading to massive queues and a shortage of SIM cards.
“Free” Internet to Billion People: Reliance Jio Launches Freebie Frenzy in India
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
The team behind Opera web browser may consider integrating Bitcoin after introducing a built-in Adblock feature in its newest release.
Opera Browser May Consider Integrating Bitcoin, Implements Built-in Adblock
Joseph Young
US presidential candidate Gary Johnson would consider pardoning such electronic scofflaws as Ross Ulbricht, Edward Snowden, and Chelsea Manning if elected presi...
Gary Johnson Would "Look Seriously At" Pardoning Ross Ulbricht, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning
Joël Valenzuela
Blocksafe Network has launched a crowdsale to build the first Blockchain-based system for gun authentication.
Crowdsale Launched To Build Blockchain-Based Gun Verification System
Iyke Aru
With increasing adoption of internet-banking and mobile-banking, an extensive network of branches is no longer necessary for banks. Are bank branches headed for...
Internet and Mobile Banking Kills ATMs, Opens the Floodgates to Cryptocurrencies
Jacob J
Schools are now using Bitcoin technology to record and verify candidates' credentials; and to track the creation or transfer of physical assets, shareholdings, ...
Blockchain as Part of the Web: Does It Fit in?
Olusegun Ogundeji
Ghana seeks to secure transactions on the Internet first and only then start a discussion on Bitcoin adoption.
Ghana: First Comes Internet Security, Then Bitcoin
Olusegun Ogundeji

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