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Internet of Things News

The internet of things (IOT) is a concept of a network built with connections between many physical deviсes, such as vehicles, houses and other objects, powered by some type of software. The number of IOT-capable devices is increasing and sustainable connections between them can largely accelerate the integration of physical items into the current internet system. The IOT definition of “things” refers to a variety of devices such as heart monitors, live-streaming cameras, biochips and many others. The Internet of things is one of the main fields of study and development process. The Internet of things has a place for the implementation of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to validate data, hastening its transition and making a payment system for transactions within the network. Many experts are concerned about IOT’s security and anonymity problems, as IOT could hold even more private information than the present internet.

Megabank's venture capital fund, argues that banks and fintech startups need to collaborate in order to "reboot" the global financial services industry and trig...
Banks & Fintechs Must Collaborate to 'Re-Engineer' the Global Financial Services Industry
Diana Ngo
The cost of data breaches as a result of cybercrime will rise to US$2.1 trillion globally by 2019 as a result of the rapid digitization of consumers’ lives, acc...
Study: Cybercrime to Become $2.1 Trillion Market by 2019
Tom Jackson

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