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Grexit News

Grexit is a potential result of the Greek government’s debt crisis. The Grexit definition combines Greece and the exit of the country from the Eurozone. To solve the financial problems that might lead to Grexit, Bitcoin in Greece can become a way to save money in the form of virtual assets. Using Bitcoin as an alternative currency to the euro and the dollar might help the citizens of Greece avoid default and hyperinflation. Moreover, the first Bitcoin ATM that was set up in Athens in 2015 became quite popular in a short time. However, the decision about Grexit hasn’t been made yet, as multiple Grexit polls conducted among the citizens have shown different results. In addition, it remains unknown what would be waiting for Greece after staying or leaving the Eurozone. Follow Grexit’s latest news to find out what will happen.

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis spills the beans on what really happened behind closed doors, and how Greece was never supposed to get above wate...
How Greece Was Lost: ‘We Were Set Up’ – Yanis Varoufakis
Evander Smart
Greece debt crisis appears to have been averted, or at the least delayed. A €50 billion bailout package has been offered, if the Greek parliament agrees to impl...
How the Greece Debt Crisis Showed the World That Bitcoin Is a Store of Value
Guest Author
Bitcoin promptly lost over 10% of its value in minutes Monday morning as news of a Greek bailout deal surfaced
Bitcoin Drops 10%+ Instantly as Greece Strikes Deal
William Suberg
Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos compared the disruptive potential of the cryptocurrency to the Punk Rock movement of the 70’s and addressed the problems in ...
Andreas Antonopoulos Rocks Wired Money 2015 Conference in London
Evander Smart
As Greece approaches the referendum on Sunday July 5, there is complete uncertainty as to whether “yes” or “no’ will be voted for and what the ramifications of ...
Greece Down to Its Last €500 Million with No Ability to Print Drachmas
George Samman
Greece has become the first developed country to fall into arrears with the IMF as it missed its 1.6 million euro payment due Tuesday night.
‘300% Increase in Bitcoin Buys’ Across EU as Greece Falls into Arrears
George Samman
Bitcoin prices are on the move upward. Bitcoin volume trading is on the move upward. Greece is on the move downward to a total collapse. Coincidence? I think no...
Will Grexit Force Bitcoin Price to Spike like the 2013 Cyprus Collapse? (Op-Ed)
Evander Smart
The never ending tragedy known as the Eurozone is flirting with disaster and the unknown consequences of what would happen if Greece is ejected by brute force o...
The Greek Dilemma: Hyper Inflation, Austerity, or Bitcoin?
George Samman

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