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Google News

Google is one of the most popular multinational Internet-related corporation that specializes in virtual products and services. All Google cryptocurrency latest news is about blocking adverts for cryptocurrencies. The company explains that a lot of advertised can be made by scams and they just want to promote better security to people. Not just that though, there also was an announcement that all crypto-related extensions in applications that conclude any scripts for mining will be deleted. Applying for registration suchlike extensions has been already banned while already existed ones will be removed by the end of July 2018. The reason of it is that the number of extensions that do mining without the knowledge of user has surged recently and 90% haven’t met the requirements. Other blockchain-related functions in applications haven’t met any prohibition.

Sunny Ray has recently shared an interesting chart which differentiates the level of interest the general population has for bitcoin and blockchain.
Interest Over Bitcoin Increases Over Time, Blockchain Declines
Joseph Young
Searches for “Earn Bitcoin” reach all-time high and on a positive trend, according to Google Trends. The majority of the searches seem to be coming from the Phi...
“Earn Bitcoin” Searches Reach All-time High, Most Come From US, India, Philippines
Angus Leung
Over 1 million Android devices have become victims of mass malware hidden in apps called Gooligan.
Gooligan Android Malware Steals Access To One Million Accounts
William Suberg
The search for the “buy Bitcoin” term on the world's largest source of information platform is on a upward trend.
Search For "Buy Bitcoin" Rising Shows Google Trend
Olusegun Ogundeji
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign sought Apple and Google’s opinion on its position on encryption.
Hillary Clinton Sought Apple and Google’s Blessing on Her Encryption Stance
Joël Valenzuela
At TRUSTECH 2016, industry experts will talk on the most current trending topics in trust-based technologies for payment, Blockchain, Fintech, data management a...
In Fintech We Trust: Tesla Motors, Google, PayPal, Santander Bank at TRUSTECH 2016
Olusegun Ogundeji
Web browser giants Google and Mozilla have implemented practices encouraging users to take care of their online privacy and security in an ongoing shift towards...
Google and Mozilla Begin “Privacy Shaming” Users for Accepting Insecure Connections
Joël Valenzuela
There are many reasons why Near Field Communications (NFC) NFC is beneficial to consumers but as with many modern technologies; it doesn’t come without its risk...
How Criminals Steal Information Through Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Contactless Cards
Jacob Timp

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